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Planul de activitate online al grădiniței include 2 sesiuni zilnice, una dimineața și una după-amiaza, prin intermediul platformei Zoom. Se acoperă toate ariile de dezvoltare: limbaj și comunicare, cognitivă și cunoașterea lumii, capacităților de învățare, socio-emoțională și pentru sănătate.

Activitățile propuse de educatoarele grupei, alături de profesorii de engleză, ebraică și muzică, au fost un prilej de conectare socială, dar și de învățare. Au fost desfășurate activități interactive diverse bazate pe joc, povestire, ritm și muzică.

Dintre acestea amintim:

  • lecturi “Umbrela fermecată”, “Motanul încălțat”,
  • dactilopictură “Pisica”,
  • convorbiri “A venit primăvara”, “Prietenele mele, animalele“,
  • “Cățelul și pisica”,
  • desen “Găinușa”,
  • colaj “Lalele“,
  • cântece “Bingo“, “Old Mac Donald“,
  • jocuri de știință “Farm animals“, “Să numărăm“ etc.

Până în prezent, aproape toți copiii reușesc să se conecteze la ambele sesiuni, desigur cu sprijinul extraordinar al părinților, cărora le mulțumim.

Activități extra-curriculare

Starting with middle group, the children can participate in two of the clubs organized in the afternoon. Every club is held twice a week (Monday and Wednesday / Tuesday and Thursday).

The clubs are the following:

  1. The Ballet Club is held by the ballet teacher Svetlana Zotina in the kindergarten’s ballet room and many elements of classical ballet are proposed. The dances taught are presented on stage in the shows. Every year, open lessons with parent participation are held.
  2. The Sports Club and the Basketball Club are held by the sports teacher Liviu Popa in the school yard or in the school gym. The exercises help develop a harmonious body.
  3. The Eco-Art Club, held by the art teacher Lucia Lobont, includes activities such as glass painting, mask making, and modeling. The children work with different materials, study their properties, and learn techniques of artistic expression. The teacher emphasizes the development of the kids’ artistic abilities. All the things they produce are displayed in the kindergarten’s halls.
  4. The Choir Club is held by the music teacher Rodica Doija and elementary canto notions are taught. Children have piano or violin accompaniment. From the second semester, the children in the middle group can also participate, after a trial period.

Condiții de înscriere

We receive application forms for all the groups, throughout the entire school year. We enroll children for the small group approximately one year in advance. The parents who have already enrolled their children are being contacted by the kindergarten’s representatives, within the limit of available places.

There are exceptions for children who have priority when being enrolled in our kindergarten: those who have brothers/sisters who are already students in our Complex and children who are members of the Jewish Community, if their application forms have been filled in due time.

The children who cannot be admitted immediately after enrollment will be transferred to a waiting list, if their families agree.


650 Euro



Per month: 685 Euro

Per year: 8220 Euro


•       2 main meals and 2 snacks,
•       additional tuition for remedial education and higher academic performance.